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Daily Three: July 15


July 15, 2020

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1 minute



  1. The Coronavirus pandemic has caused condominium associations to rethink their standard operating practices. From conducting virtual board meetings via videoconference (Zoom or Skype, for example) to reconfiguring common element amenities and updating rules, policies, and protocols for such amenities to help promote social distancing, condominium associations are getting creative to safely get back to “normal” (or as close as possible to our previous definition of “normal”). Learn the strategies to safely conduct board elections. Authored by Howard Dakoff and Adam Kahn


  1. The SBA has recently addressed the question of whether one can amend their PPP loan to request additional proceeds and under what circumstances. Learn about the updates to better understand this issue. Authored by Eileen Sethna and Aria Eckersley


  1. Times of disruption often birth new beginnings. GM launched in 1908 when the US economy was in turmoil after "the Panic of 1907" financial crisis. Burger King, in 1953, when the US was again in recession and CNN started its news broadcasts in 1980, when US inflation hit almost 15%. Uber and Airbnb set up business during the global financial crisis of 2007-09. While your goal may be a more modest one, there is no doubt that this pandemic is motivating many people to consider starting a new business, either out of necessity or opportunity. We have seen this throughout our client base. Even in the last week at LP have seen an uptick in requests to open an LLC and start-up support. If you are considering a new direction and would like to be connected to the right resources, let us know.


For more resources and LP's response to COVID-19, visit this webpage.

Filed under: Community Association, Corporate, Financial Services & Restructuring

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