Reminder: New Accessible Parking Requirements Took Effect January 1st
December 4, 2024
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1 minute

An amendment to the Illinois Condominium Property Act (“ICPA”) to impose new accessible parking requirements took effect on January 1, 2025. The amendment (new Section 18.12 of the ICPA) requires Illinois condominium associations with parking to:
- adopt a policy to reasonably accommodate unit owners who require accessible parking by April 1, 2025; and
- “make reasonable efforts to facilitate a resolution between unit owners to provide accessible parking” in situations where the association does not “own or otherwise control parking that meets the accessible parking needs of a unit owner who is a person with a disability who requires accessible parking.”
Click here for LP’s datapoint explaining these new accessible parking requirements. It is recommended that condominium associations work with their legal counsel to ensure compliance with these new accessible parking requirements, including adopting a policy for accessible parking as required by new Section 18.12 of the ICPA by the April 1st deadline.
LP is committed to keeping our community association clients informed of, and prepared to proactively and successfully navigate, any changes in the law. For questions regarding the new accessible parking requirements approved by the legislature for Illinois condominium associations, or other issues facing your condominium or community association, please contact Howard Dakoff, Laura Marinelli, Adam Kahn, or Molly Mackey of LP’s Community Association Group.