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What You Can Do Today: March 30th


March 30, 2020

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1 minute


Resources and LP's response to COVID-19


Even among this disruption, there are a few things you can do today to help prepare you, your family and your business for the uncertain future.



  1. Read the DOL’s latest round of guidance. We finally have more information on the rules for small employer exemption and other requirements. We’ve summarized the highlights to best guide you and your business.


  1. Set up a power of attorney for healthcare. Estate planning always seems to fall to the bottom of the “To Do” list.  With the pace of the world slowed for many of us, now is the perfect time to pull your estate planning documents for a quick review.  Take a look to see if the agents and successor agents on your Power of Attorney for Health Care and for Property are still the individuals you want to act on your behalf.  Make sure that the successor Trustees in your trusts track your desired plan, and do the same with the Executors designated in your Will.  Finally, if you have minor children, make sure that you still want the individual(s) you named as Guardian(s) to act as such if the need ever arose.


  1. Think before you click on that COVID-19 outbreak map. Working remotely, you and your company are at greater risk for cyberattacks. Watch out for phony communications that include attachments or links – they could be loaded with malware. Hackers are circulating fake COVID-19 outbreak maps and more to get you to click.   


For more resources and LP's response to COVID-19, visit this webpage.

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